Soulcruzer's Audioblog
From my bunker somewhere deep in the heart of Warwickshire...
From my bunker somewhere deep in the heart of Warwickshire...
Latest Episodes
Life Lessons from the Dude and the Zen Master?
Do you remember the movie "The Big Lebowski?" I was a big fan of the Dude, so when I saw this book, The Dude and the Zen Master, I snatched it up.
Weird time, winding down, a look ahead, beef stew and a crazy cat
From my bunker deep in the heart of England... In this episode, I wander from pillar to post musing out loud about my year and how I deal with this no-man's land of...
self-expression is a beautiful thing
Post 30 day challenge, how do I keep the momentum up. We now resume our regular programming
Exploring the Metaverse
I spent the weekend exploring the Metaverse and found some interesting things.