
"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien

My podcast is a mostly stream-of-consciousness journey—a freeform exploration of ideas, thoughts, and musings that flow organically, unfiltered and raw. It's a space where structure takes a backseat, allowing the unexpected to emerge and take shape in real time. Think of it as an auditory dérive, where each episode becomes a wandering through the landscape of my mind, touching on philosophy, storytelling, personal experiences, and whatever else happens to drift into the current. There’s no rigid agenda or script; it’s more like inviting you into a conversation where ideas twist and turn, branching into tangents and connections that might not seem obvious at first but always lead somewhere intriguing. Sometimes it’s reflective, like flipping through an old journal. Other times, it’s spontaneous, like a thought sparked in the moment and chased down a rabbit hole. My goal is not to arrive at answers but to revel in the act of exploration itself, embracing the liminality of thought and the beauty of imperfection. It’s a podcast for those who enjoy the texture of ideas unfolding in real time—messy, dynamic, and alive.