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Same old, same old
Early Sunday morning stroll to stretch the limbs and clear the cobwebs out of my head. What do we mean when we say, same old, same old?
Long Live Blogging
I'm leading a rear guard action to bring back the personal blog - the sacred space to rant and rave and be yourself and express yourself. #blogging
stream of consciousness capture while out on a stroll
just a stream of consciousness capture while out on my morning walk...listen at your own risk.
Do you have a bad boss?
Inspired by Rose Leadem's post on Entrepreneur ( )
It's here, #AudioMo 2017
And I even managed to make the first day. Looking forward to hanging out with Fokus new and old over the next 30 days.
Colours In Community
I met up with the CFO of Clarity4D to talk about the interdependent dynamics within the diversity of any given community.
To Change or Not To Change? That Is the Question?
There's more to the story of change then it appears on the surface. #change
Deasil Art Gallery in Leamington Spa
Deasil has been offering accessible, high quality, bespoke venues to artists for the las 4 years in Warwickshire and the West Midlands regions.
Productivity and Work Process as an Independent Creator
In this episode, Sarah and Clay talk about their work processes as independent creators.
What happens when you destroy the ego?
In this episode, Sarah and Clay discuss the role of the ego and some of the possible outcomes when you destroy the ego.
Is the practice of Mindfulness causing us harm?
In this episode, Sarah and Clay explore an idea raised in a recent article that questions whether or not mindfulness is causing us harm?
The Fool in Us
In this episode, Sarah and Clay explore the role of the Fool archetype and what we can learn from The Fool in our lives.
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek
In this episode, Sarah and Clay explore the tension between the need to seek versus the idea of just being.